This Sea of Being has come out of naught!
No glimpse of its truth has anyone caught.
Many a clown has put forth his thought.
From the Other Side news cannot be sought.
A mathematical genius in eleventh century Persia is persecuted for his
admiration of Greek philosophers and his rebellious poems, the two worlds of
Christianity and Islam slowly move towards their most violent embrace in the
Crusade of 1096, and a companion of emperors and queens is abandoned to
the mob once the appeasement of enraged mullahs becomes more important
in a dynastic war than the life-long devotion of a friend, doctor, musician and
Omar Khayyam has been the world’s favourite poet since 1859. His slim
book of poems, the Rubaiyat, as translated by Edward FitzGerald, has
become a masterpiece of English literature in its own right and rendered into
almost all the world’s other languages. The consequences have been
spectacular. Astronomers have named a crater on the moon after him and
some mathematicians regard him as one of the top ten intellects in history.
Yet this biography is the first detailed study of his life to merit the description.
Such was the excitement during its preparation that the Chinese national
radio sent its reporter in London to interview its author and the BBC’s Today
Programme devoted a chunk of its time to mark its publication.